At GoodHub, we have created an ideal fundraising platform that takes care of the organisations that fundraise with us, including: an ethical fee structure, no set up or subscription fees, a choice of multiple fundraising options, real people available to help on the phone when needed, and a variety of tools, insights, and guidance available to help you maximise your fundraising success.
However, when switching fundraising platforms, it is essential for you to make sure your community feels taken care of as well.
We have collated our top tips below to help you keep your donators when moving to GoodHub:

Don’t wait until the last minute
Don’t wait until the last minute to make this change! Your donators will know that Virgin Money Giving is closing soon and will want to see you take active steps to ensure their money is in safe hands. You could risk losing regular donators if they feel like you’re making a last minute, rushed decision or worry that you may even miss the deadline.
Give them as much of a window of time as possible to familiarise themselves with our platform and show them that you are organised and actively prioritising them.

Communicate with your donators
Communication is always important when fundraising – but especially when there is a notable change of circumstances. Use social media to let your donators know that you will be moving your fundraising to GoodHub and direct them to our website if they have any questions.
Some key points that you can reassure your donators of include that GoodHub is secure, GDPR compliant, UK based, and always prioritises honesty and transparency. We will never ask your donators for a ‘tip’ and provide options for both a one-off donation or automated, regular ongoing donations.

Utilise our engagement tools and features
By choosing GoodHub ‘Premium‘ you get access to a wide range of tools and features to engage your community of supporters and share your cause. You will also receive access to a dedicated campaign manager who will share their expertise and help to make sure you use every opportunity to make your campaign a success with your donators.
Why wait? Start fundraising with GoodHub today.