Karadoo Finance Limited/GoodHub “Organisation” Terms and Conditions
GOODHUB.COM is a trading name of Karadoo Finance Limited (“Karadoo”) (company number 10702553), registered in England, and has its registered office at 19-21 Chapel Street, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England, SL7 3HN. Karadoo Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 777371). We are registered with the office of the information commissioner (no. ZA290916) for data protection purposes.
These Terms and Conditions may change or be updated from time to time. It remains your responsibility to access and check these Terms and Conditions wherever you access the website. The latest version of these Terms and Conditions will govern any future usage by you of the website and its associated services. The date on which these Terms of Service were last updated is stated at the end of this document.
GOODHUB.COM is a website which facilitates the Donation transaction between a crowdfunding page organiser and donors, or between any user and organisation.
The organisation must not register with Karadoo Finance Limited more than once.
The organisation’s username and password provide access to the organisation’s area of GOODHUB.COM
The names and addresses of the authorised applicant, the organisation, will be provided in order that Karadoo Finance Limited is able to carry out its Anti Money Laundering (“AML”) checks. These details will be required for the principal applicant for an GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page.
Karadoo Finance Limited reserves the right to reject the application from any organisation where this information is not provided.
Karadoo Finance Limited has complete discretion to accept the fundraising application or not following AML of the principal applicant.
Karadoo Finance Limited’s decision to accept or reject an application is final and there is no obligation on Karadoo Finance Limited to share its reasons for its decision with the organisation.
The organisation’s fundraising pages contain information submitted by the organisation, including a video clip, where the organisation has opted to submit such a clip.
By registering an organisation and creating and publishing fundraising page on GoodHub, the organisation understands and agrees that information about the organisation and its fundraising pages and associated content will be published for public distribution and inspection. The organisation agrees that Karadoo can distribute details of the fundraising pages via its own communications, including, but not exclusive to, email, newsletter, media communications and social media communications.
By starting the listing, the organisation confirms to Karadoo Finance Limited and the donors that the information contained in the organisation’s fundraising page is complete, accurate and up to date.
There is no charge to submit a campaign application and if your request is eligible and approved then there is no upfront charge for listing on GOODHUB.COM
Karadoo Finance Limited will raise an invoice each calendar month for all funds raised in the previous month for all campaign types and irrespective of when and whether funds are transferred to the organisation.
Karadoo earns revenue through charging a marketing fee for its services. The aggregate marketing fee has three components charged as follows:
- A payment processing fee of 1.4% + 20p of the money donation only.
- A Gift Aid data collection, processing and submission fee of 5% of the Gift Aid added to donations by donors.
- Karadoo invites donors to add a voluntary contribution to their donation to contribute to its platform and other costs (“platform fee”).
Karadoo operates a “fair fee” policy in respect of the voluntary contribution, or platform fee. Specifically, if the aggregate platform fee in any billing period is less than 5% of the money donations in that period, then the organisation will be liable for the difference between the voluntary contributions and 5% of the money donations, and the difference will be charged to the organisation.
All fees and charges exclude VAT. The marketing fee to registered charities should be zero rated for VAT, but organisations are advised to seek professional advice as each circumstance varies.
Where a campaign includes the acceptance of Gift Aid, the marketing fee will be chargeable on the Gift Aid element whether Karadoo, or the client organisation or its representatives, submits the claim to HMRC.
The aggregate marketing fee will be deducted from the transfer of the money donations such that consequently where Karadoo collects Gift Aid on behalf of the organisation, then the transfer of that Gift Aid will not be subject to further fee deductions.
Karadoo is a business and needs to earn revenue to provide its service that helps its client organisations make a difference to the people, families and communities that both support and rely on them. By registering and creating a fundraising campaign on GoodHub, the organisation agrees that ALL donations made to that organisation as a consequence of publishing, marketing or communication the organisation’s fundraising campaign should be made through the dedicated fundraising campaign page on www.GoodHub.com.
If, as a consequence of publishing, marketing or communicating the fundraising campaign, the organisation receives any donations that are not received through GoodHub.com (“offline donations”), then Karadoo reserves the right to charge to the organisation its aggregate marketing fee (“additional fees”) on any or all offline donations received. Additional fees will be invoiced and deducted from future money or Gift Aid transfers by Karadoo to the organisation. If outstanding transfers from Karadoo to the client organisation are insufficient to cover the additional fees then payment will be due within 7 days of the invoice date.
If in the opinion of Karadoo, the organisation persistently seeks to bypass GoodHub to transact donations as a consequence of publishing, marketing or communicating the fundraising campaign, then Karadoo reserves the right to withdraw the campaign with no notice or further explanation.
GoodHub will transfer relevant net funds to the client organisation on or around the 15th day of a calendar month as follows:
Regular Giving Campaigns – donations for a calendar month to a “Regular Giving” campaign are transferred directly to your nominated bank account on or around the 15th of the calendar month immediately following the calendar month in which the donations were made.
“Crowdfund a Project”, sponsorship, raffle or event campaigns – donations are transferred on or around the 15th of the calendar month immediately following the calendar month in which the campaign was closed.
Note that Gift Aid is transferred to you directly from HMRC so is dependent on their processes and service levels.
Note that GoodHub reserves the right to retain funds if, in its exclusive opinion, it has been unable to satisfactorily verify that the recipient bank account belongs to the client organisation until such time as it has been able to do so.
If we are unable to transfer the funds donated to or raised on behalf of your organisation via GoodHub for any reason whatsoever, then Karadoo may re-appropriate the relevant funds at its discretion. Circumstances include but are not limited to:
- where your organisation is registered on GoodHub but has not provided its bank details within twelve months after registration, or
- where your organisation has been nominated as the preferred recipient organisation, but you subsequently choose not to register on GoodHub or provide bank details for the transfer of funds within 12 months after being notified by GoodHub that we are holding funds on your behalf.
For the purposes of this section, the right to “re-appropriate funds” shall mean the right for Karadoo to use or apply the relevant monies as Karadoo determines at its sole discretion including, without limitation, making donations to other charities or non-profits, enhancing other donations, or for its internal business purposes (including retaining the funds).
The additional definitions apply to GoodHub’s Ticketed Event feature:
- Event: refers to an event advertised on the site and created by an organiser after accepting the Terms.
- Organiser: refers to the person who has created an account with GoodHub, accepted the terms and conditions and creates events on the site.
- Purchaser: refers to the person who has created an account with GoodHub, accepted the terms and conditions and intends to use GoodHub’s services.
Your events will be displayed on GoodHub. To list an event on our site you will need to provide the following information: event name, date, location, description, picture, and tickets details.
GoodHub may remove any event for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation any event that promotes obscene or illegal activity.
Organisers should submit real information and keep it updated for the other purchasers. All activity under their account and content posted on the event is their responsibility. The organiser may not use the site for any illegal or unauthorised purpose.
GoodHub is not responsible for the organisers’ submitted content. However, GoodHub reserves the right to alter or remove any content and terminate the organiser’s right to use the Site.
It is the organiser’s responsibility to notify purchasers if there is a rescheduling, cancellation or other issue linked to their event.
GoodHub does not guarantee or warrant that any specific event will occur at any specific time. All use of the GoodHub site is “as is” without any warranty of any kind. The purchaser uses this site at their risk.
It is the organiser’s responsibility to inform the buyer of the refund policy and issue the refunds.
GoodHub may request a refund from the organisers for any reason including but not limited to when suspecting fraudulent behaviour or misrepresentation.
Where a user adds a donation to their ticket purchase then the donation is deemed to be a discrete transaction and the terms and conditions for a donation will apply to the donation part of the aggregate purchase and donation transaction.
The organisation is liable to Karadoo Finance Limited for any loss or damage suffered by Karadoo Finance Limited or any user of GOODHUB.COM as a result of the organisation (or a person using the organisation’s username and password with the organisation’s knowledge or permission or through the organisation’s negligence):
- using GOODHUB.COM in a way that is fraudulent.
- breaching these organisation’s Terms.
- otherwise using GOODHUB.COM in a way that causes loss or damage to Karadoo Finance Limited or any other user of GOODHUB.COM
Karadoo Finance Limited is not liable to the organisation for any loss, damage or cost arising out of or in connection with the organisation’s registration with Karadoo Finance Limited or use of GOODHUB.COM, except where the loss, damage or cost is a result of Karadoo Finance Limited’s breach of these organisation terms, negligence or fraud.
Karadoo Finance Limited’s liability to the organisation will not exceed 10,000 pounds in respect of all claims.
Nothing in these organisation’s terms excludes or limits Karadoo Finance Limited’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for fraud.
Karadoo Finance Limited may transfer or delegate any of its rights or obligations under these organisation’s terms to any person. Karadoo Finance Limited may provide information about the organisation and the organisation activities on GOODHUB.COM to that person.
The organisation may not transfer any of its rights or obligations under these organisation’s terms.
Karadoo Finance Limited may amend these organisation’s terms from time to time and need not give the organisation notice of the amendments.
If Karadoo Finance Limited amends these organisation’s terms, the next time the organisation logs in to GOODHUB.COM the organisation will be notified of the changes and the date from which the amendments were effective.
All notices given under these organisation’s terms or any other terms relating to GOODHUB.COM must be in writing and in English.
Karadoo Finance Limited may deliver a notice to the organisation by placing a message on the organisation’s area of GOODHUB.COM or by email or post to the contact details last known to Karadoo Finance Limited.
A notice from Karadoo Finance Limited will be effective at the time of placing a message on GOODHUB.COM or sending an email, or on the second business day after posting. A business day is a weekday other than a national holiday.
A notice from the organisation to Karadoo Finance Limited can be sent by email to admin@GoodHub.com, or by post to Karadoo Finance Limited Customer Service, Bath and County Buildings, Queens Parade, Bath, BA1 2NJ. Notices to Karadoo Finance Limited will be effective on receipt.
If Karadoo Finance Limited does not enforce any of its rights under these organisation’s terms or any other terms relating to GOODHUB.COM, it does not mean that Karadoo Finance Limited will be unable to enforce that right in future.
A person who is not a party to these organisation’s terms may not enforce any of these terms.
These organisation’s terms and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it are governed by English Law and the English courts have exclusive jurisdiction.
For the benefit of Karadoo Finance Limited, the organisation irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the English courts and irrevocably agrees that a ruling in those courts will be conclusive and binding on the organisation and may be enforced against the organisation in the courts of any other jurisdiction.
Karadoo Finance Limited will:
- Capture personal information including but not limited to the donor’s name, title, address and email address (“Personal Information”) at all times in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and related legislation, regulatory requirements and guidance as updated and amended from time to time, all to the extent applicable (“Privacy Laws”) and protect and secure such information. For the avoidance of doubt this paragraph does not imply that Karadoo Finance Limited will share such information with you and/or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page.
- Not sell, trade or rent Personal Information to third parties.
Karadoo Finance Limited, as operator of the website and associated services, acts as an intermediary between you and the individual users of the website and associated services and, whilst your and/or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page and the individual user information resides on the website or associated services, Karadoo Finance Limited does not check or exercise any editorial control over the content of such information, save as required by applicable laws.
In the event that Karadoo Finance Limited is made aware of or has knowledge of any unlawful activity or information on the website or associated services, Karadoo Finance Limited shall act to remove or disable access to the information.
Karadoo Finance Limited shall not be liable to you or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page as a result of its role as intermediary.
The principal applicant is the individual who completes the registration on behalf of the organisation and creates an GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page on the website. The following additional terms will apply to the principal applicant’s dealings with Karadoo Finance Limited in relation to the relevant GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page and your use of the website and associated services. To the extent there is any conflict between these additional terms and the core Terms and Conditions, these additional terms will prevail.
You agree that: –
- Where applicable, you shall ensure that any person or organisation for which you have created an GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page agrees to you raising funding on its behalf for the purposes set out on your GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page.
- If your use of the website and/or associated services results in access to any Personal Information you shall: (i) at all times assist with the responsibilities of Karadoo Finance Limited, as a data controller responsible for determining how the Personal Information is processed under the provisions of the Privacy Laws; (ii) not do, or cause or permit to be done, anything which may result in a breach by Karadoo Finance Limited of the Privacy Laws and comply with all reasonable instructions from Karadoo Finance Limited relating to the processing by you and/or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page of such Personal Information; (iii) comply with the Privacy Laws in respect of your and/or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page’s collection, use, disclosure or processing of the Personal Information; (iv) abide by the lawful instructions of all data subjects in respect of the Personal Information and not do anything to compromise the security of such information; (v) not sell, trade or rent Personal Information to third parties; (vi) hold the Personal Information securely and not disclose it to anyone other than Karadoo Finance Limited, as agreed to by the data subject and/or as permitted by Privacy Laws; (vii) implement adequate security, technical and organisational measures against all unauthorised, unlawful or accidental access, processing, use, erasure, loss or destruction of, or damage to, Personal Information in accordance with Privacy Laws, and abide by Karadoo Finance Limited’s reasonable requirements to ensure the security of the Personal Information as notified to you from time to time; (viii) use Personal Information appropriately and only for the specific purposes as notified to you from time to time, including by way of the applicable privacy policy available on GOODHUB.COM’s website; (ix) only communicate with donors where they have agreed to receive further communications from you and/or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page, and only to the extent that they have indicated their preference to do so (for example in relation to communications for a specific fundraising event only); (x) not retain any Personal Information for longer than is necessary; and (xi) to the extent legally permissible, you shall indemnify and hold harmless Karadoo Finance Limited, its successors and assigns, from and against all losses, costs and other damage caused by your and/or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page’s breach of this paragraph; and
- you shall maintain any necessary authority, permit, licence, consent, approval and registration for you to fundraise (and, where applicable, for Karadoo Finance Limited to fundraise on your behalf) in accordance with applicable laws and if Karadoo Finance Limited needs any such authority, permit, licence, consent, approval or registration for it to fundraise on behalf of the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page then you will, at no cost to Karadoo Finance Limited, provide all such assistance as Karadoo Finance Limited reasonably requires to assist Karadoo Finance Limited with the same. You agree that you shall inform Karadoo Finance Limited immediately if, for any reason, you and/or the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page cease(s) to maintain the necessary authority, permit, licence, consent, approval and/or registration to operate the fundraising activities in relation to the GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page in accordance with applicable local laws.
- By building an GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page you represent, warrant and undertake to Karadoo Finance Limited and the users of the website that:
- Each time you use the website or associated services, and in particular when you create an GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page, you will comply with Karadoo Finance Limited’s guidelines that apply to GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding pages at that time.
- That the organisation has agreed, and is responsible for establishing, communicating and the governance of the distribution policy for funds raised and the eligibility criteria for the ultimate recipient (if applicable);
- All donations provided to the GOODHUB.com crowdfunding page will be used for the purposes set out on your GOODHUB.com crowdfunding page;
- You will provide feedback via your GOODHUB.com crowdfunding page on the website, including at the end of the fundraising period to explain what outcome has been or will be achieved as a result (including how any funds raised in excess of your target will be used); and
- The information you provide to us is true and accurate in all respects and is not misleading;
- You have not omitted to tell us any information which could reasonably be considered relevant;
- No fraudulent, criminal or otherwise improper uses will be made of donations made via your GOODHUB.com crowdfunding page. Karadoo Finance Limited reserves the right to withdraw a campaign if improper use is suspected and retain donations pending an investigation. Karadoo Finance Limited reserves the right to cancel a campaign and return donations to donors at its discretion and without further explanation.
You hereby grant to Karadoo Finance Limited, its affiliates and its partners a non-exclusive licence to use any of your GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page’s trademarks and any copyrighted material on your page (including images and videos or any link to the same) solely in connection with the website and associated services and its operation and promotion and for no other purpose whatsoever.
The licence shall terminate automatically on expiry or termination of these Terms of Service or the removal of your GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page from the website in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability section of the core Terms and Conditions, Karadoo Finance Limited’s total liability to you arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, so far as such liability arises out of or relates to your creation and/or use of an GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page, shall be limited to the total fees paid by you to Karadoo Finance Limited under these Terms and Conditions for your use of the website and associated services during the preceding 12 month period ending on the date the circumstances giving rise to the liability arose.
During the funding period of your GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page and for a period of seven (7) years thereafter, the parties shall treat as strictly confidential all information about the other which has been acquired as a result of the use of the website and associated services and which is not in the public domain.
No party shall use or disclose to any third party such information belonging to the other party without that party’s prior written consent, except where required to do so by applicable law, including, without limitation, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, or regulatory or governmental body. This paragraph shall survive termination of these Terms and Conditions.
Karadoo Finance Limited reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately and without notice suspend or permanently deny your access to all or part of the website and associated services, including for example by removing any GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page from the website. Karadoo Finance Limited will only exercise this right where there is a breach or suspected breach by you of these Terms and Conditions (including where there is any actual or suspected fraudulent, criminal or improper use of the website or associated services) or where Karadoo Finance Limited has any other legitimate reason to do so.
These Terms and Conditions shall terminate automatically upon the removal by you or Karadoo Finance Limited of your GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page from the website. These Terms and Conditions will continue to apply to past use by you.
Upon termination or suspension or denial of access to the website and associated services, funds already received on your behalf by Karadoo Finance Limited will be handled in accordance with the provisions above, provided that any potential payment (where applicable) may be delayed where Karadoo Finance Limited conducts an investigation regarding your use of the website and associated services and Karadoo Finance Limited may decide to refuse to pay funds across to you where you have breached these Terms and Conditions or your GOODHUB.COM crowdfunding page has been removed. In such circumstances Karadoo Finance Limited may authorise a refund of donations to donors.
Last Updated: 29th August 2023